13 March 1838
adams-john10 Neal Millikan

13. VI. Tuesday.

On my way to the Capitol this morning, I stop’d at Fullers and left for A. H. Everett a Letter with an Ode on the battle of Bunker’s Hill, by Francis Durivage, and at the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury, with whom I left the application from Ellis and Jesse Murdock of Carver, for the return of 50 dollars paid at Mobile, as a fine by the Captain of a Schooner belonging to them, for not producing a clearance; David Nye the Surveyor at Wareham, having refused to issue one; upon the allegation that it was not required in the wasting trade— I received in the course of the morning a Letter of notification that the case had been referred for a report to the Collector at Mobile— 830H.R.US. I returned to Mr Sergeant his unfinished Manuscript report— John Reed came to my Seat, and proposed a meeting of the Massachusetts delegation at ten O’Clock to-morrow Morning to which I assented, to consult together again, upon the answer to be given to Mr Alvord the Chairman of the joint Committee of the Massachusetts Legislature— The fear of responsibility in this case, is a two-edged sword— I told Mr Reed again what I have constantly repeated—that I would answer the Letter in any way upon which they would agree— The House was deserted again this day— Mr Webster finished his Speech in the Senate; universally thought the most splendid and powerful of his efforts—there was no possibility of keeping a quorum in the House— Mr. W. Cost Johnson continued another quarter of an hour his Speech, upon his resolution concerning the public Lands, and Schools, where the hour expired, and the order of the day, the civil and diplomatic appropriation Bill was resumed in Committee of the Whole, Z. Casey is the Chair— Rariden of Indiana toiled much to get inserted an increase of the contingencies of the House, to pay for the books, purchased for the new members of the House; but Cambreleng threw so many obstructions in his way that he was obliged to give it up— Howard moved an additional item of outfit, for a Chargé d’Affaires to Peru—which Petriken opposed, because of the bad effect of these multiplied diplomacies upon the democratic party— M’Kim was for the appropriation, and repeated at least ten times that he would be willing to contribute from his own pocket, his share to make up for a full Minister to Peru— Matthias Morris moved to reduce the item of contingencies for the foreign Missions from 30 to 20,000 dollars, but without success.— About 4 O’Clock the Committee rose and the House adjourned— Mary and Elizabeth Isaac Hull and John Quincy spent the Evening at Mr Frye’s— I attended Mr Buckingham’s 3d. Lecture on Egypt— Alexandria, and Canopus—Population—two Millions?— Library, 200000 volumes Pompey’s Pillar 11 1/2 feet diameter 90 feet long, Sienite granite Cleopatra’s Needle— 16. Pillars of the Temple of Serapis