26 December 1837
adams-john10 Neal Millikan Nullification Gag Rule

26. IV:30. Tuesday


No fire this morning in my writing chamber— Bitter cold— I could not write— And so I went into the drawing-room, where there was a remnant of fire, and read a number of manuscript Letters of Mr Madison— Upon nullification and the powers of Congress. I read also the Correspondence between Mr Memucan Hunt the Texian Minister and Mr Forsyth, the Secretary of State— H.R.U.S. I gave to Mr Fillmore, the paper that I had at the request of him and his three Colleagues drawn up, and told him it was entirely at their disposal, to use in whole or in part, or to alter or reject as they might please— He said it was rumoured to be the intention of the members from New-York who voted for the speech smothering Resolution, to address the people on their side— I watched the reading of the Journal, and found it stated properly the precise words of my answer, on the call of yeas and nays upon the smothering Resolution— My answer therefore stands recorded upon the Journal.


The Speaker announced the question upon my proposed amendment to Howard’s motion to refer the Petition from the New-York Peace Society to the Committee of Foreign Affairs— My amendment was to instruct the Committee to read, consider and report thereon— I now modified the amendment, by striking out the word read, and leaving only to consider and report thereon— Howard made a whole day’s debate in opposing this instruction— I had to debate it alone— Tillinghast of Rhode-Island, half supported and half abandoned me— Underwood and Graves would have assisted me, but without effect— I gave up every part of the amendment, excepting to report and a majority of the House refused that— I then spoke against the reference to the Committee of Foreign Relations till the House was deserted— When the question was taken the vote was 60 to 33. no Quorum— The House adjourned and it was near 4. O’Clock. Wind and Tide are against me, on this subject, and between the thirst of the Slave holders for Texas, and the apathy of the opposition Presidential canvassers shall have a heavy task to preserve the Peace.