23 December 1837
adams-john10 Neal Millikan

23. VII. Saturday—

Clevenger Brooks Adam Grennell George Hastings William S Briggs George Hall Hiland Noyes Brooks Erastus Neven Edward M’leod Hull Isaac Biddle James Fowler Hopkins

The cold now prevents me from Journalizing before breakfast, and I can find no time for it during the remainder of the day— A succession of visitors absorbed the forenoon and till near 3 O’Clock after, when I went to the Office of the Commissioner of Pensions, and left with him a Letter to Mr Phillips, concerning a claim of a widow Proctor to a pension.— Mr Edwards has just returned from Boston and came in the Boat and Cars from Philadelphia, with Elizabeth C Adams. I took to Mr Ragsdale’s 712office at the Navy Department the two other Letters relating to Navy pension claims, but Ragsdale was already gone— I came immediately home to dinner— There was a mass of snow in the atmosphere which came down in the Evening and covered the ground— Besides my visitors in person of this morning, Mr Arphaxed Loomis and Mr William Taylor of New-York left Cards this Morning.— I have finished the reading of the Memoir of Burr’s life— An unprincipled profligate of bright but shallow mind— Shipwrecked by his own follies, a Beacon light for men of after ages— Punished more severely by loss of character and standing than he could have been by loss of life— The dreadful calamity of the loss of his daughter; in a Sea-voyage from Charleston to New-York, with a current rumour that she was murdered by Pirates is awfully tragical; but she was a very ordinary woman.— Though he affected to have her taught Greek and Latin— There is some smartness in her Letters, but—Neither mind nor sensibility beyond the flattest common place— Her most affecting Letter is one written in 1805. under a presentiment that she was about to die—not realized— Burr’s league with Jefferson against my father was his ruin— There was retributive Justice in that— But where was Jefferson’s punishment For there was more perfidy, duplicity and treachery in Jefferson than in Burr.— Jefferson’s good fortune lasted him through life, though he lavished it till his death bed was debased to the beggary of pecuniary contributions— His name yet rides rough shod over truth and Justice— His great and brilliant qualities have carried him through a swamp of moral turpitude—