2 April 1836
adams-john10 Neal Millikan Health and Illness Territorial Expansion Science and Technology
527 2. April 1836.

2. V:45. Saturday.

Smith W. S.

Began reading Sir James Mackintosh’s History of the reign of James the second. My catarrhal cough and my lameness yet disable me, for all vigorous action— The deaf and dumb young man named W. S. Smith came for the third time, to me for employment which I am unable to find or to procure for him—

At the House, upon the call for Reports from standing and then from Select Committees, there were only two or three presented which occasioned no debate Mr Patton, Chairman of the Committee of the Territories moved to suspend the rules of private business for one hour to take up a Bill from the Senate for establishing the Territory of Wisconsin which was agreed to.— Committee of the whole on the Union, Speight in the Chair— The Bill was long, and Patton said the question of boundary would not be involved in it at all— But it bounded the new Territory, on the North-east corner of the State of Illinois May of that State moved to insert the words 42 degrees 30. minutes North Latitude—to which Patton, and Jones the delegate from the proposed territory acquiesced in; but which I opposed— I made a very few remarks, but found that I could use my voice so as to be heard— I saw my opposition would be useless; but the hour expired and the orders of the day, private business was called— Two successive Committees of the whole were raised, Ward first and then Fuller. Philo. C, in the Chair, and private Bills passed from Committee to the House and to a third reading— The House adjourned near four O’Clock and I went to see Mr Tippets improved Steam engine, which is never to explode, but it was out of order— In the Evening I went to the Capitol, and heard a Lecture two hours and a half long from Mr Reynolds in support of his old project of a scientific naval expedition to the South Pole and pacific Ocean— I came home between 10 and 11. Sick and wearied out.