9 August 1843
adams-john10 Neal Millikan Press
35 Quincy Wednesday 9. August 1843.

9. IV. Wednesday.

Barry William Adams Isaac Hull White Franklin

Showery day, which still detained me from visitation of my grounds, and from exercise abroad— Mr William Barry was here with a bill for four years subscription to the common school journal. He asked me if I recollected that in the summer of 1809 just before I embarked for St. Petersburg, the hatters of Boston applied to me to draw up for them a memorial to Congress— I remembered it well— He said he was the person who made the application to me— It is noticed in my Diary of 26 June 1809., but the name of the person applying is not reported and I did not now remember that it was Mr Barry.— Isaac H. Adams was also here and Franklin White the painter to whom I gave a second sitting of an hour— It must be extremely difficult for any painter to take a favourable likeness of me now—for I cannot sit five minutes or three or even one, with out, falling into a doze— This propensity which I have long observed grows upon me to such an extent, that I ought to be deeply alarmed at its progress—for its termination may overtake me every day, and every hour of my life— It benumbs every faculty of my body and soul. It portends a moment of Sleep from which there will be no awaking upon earth, and of which I am in constant expectation— When I ask myself why I do not make immediate and effective provision for instantaneous departure whenever that summons shall come, I have no answer to make other than the frailty of my nature— This irresistible spell has made it impossible to take a good daguerrotype likeness of me, and it baffles though not in equal degree the skill of the portrait painter, who cannot give life or animation to a countenance all the muscles of which are all the time lapsing into slumber— It deadens alike all the faculties of the mind, and is a continual warning to me of the decays of my powers native and acquired— Shall I ever take it?— This evening I visited Mr and Mrs Thomas Greenleaf my neighbours each four score years of age— I requested him to mention to their son E. Price, that I wished to see him— My time is now almost entirely consumed in bringing up the arrears into which my journal had fallen in the course of my month’s excursion; and with the most intense exertions, I cannot recover more than one day in a day. Many of the Newspapers have reported the proceedings at the places, where I was received with honorary notice— It began at Saratoga Springs on the 12th. of July— I escaped it not without difficulty at Burlington Vermont— Then after a suspension of one week in Canada, the display was recommenced at Ogdensburg and continued to Pittsfield in Berkshire County, Massachusetts.