6 November 1830
adams-john10 Neal Millikan

6. IV. Saturday.

Adams Thomas B

At the mount Wollaston farm, I planted with Chesnuts, Shagbarks and Acorns, the fourth side of the border round my projected Orchard, in five rows; which occupied Salmon Farrar, Alpheus Spear, his Son Charles Adams Spear, and me, great part of the morning. Some seeds of the Button wood, were also planted at Spear’s request— Read the Clock mender was there— I was short of Shagbarks, and called at Briesler’s shop for a new supply— Of a Barrell that he had, not more than a Pint and a half would sink in Water— Yet they have been kept in an open Barrell in a shop where there is no fire— This confirms all my preceding experience that these three kinds of seeds can be safely kept for planting only by covering them with damp earth or sand— My Acorns this day planted were those which I last gathered: probably too late in the Season— I attempt to keep, in damp sand, and earth a few Chesnuts and Shagbarks, to plant in the Spring— I came home to dinner, and returned to lay out the ground for the Orchard— Lemuel Spear was then there; with his brother— Measuring from the Eastern border, at the distances of two Rods each we marked the places for ten Trees, fronting the Road— Then Northward in a line parallel to the Eastern Border over fifteen furrows included within the Square places for 150 trees.— There was left on the Western side within the border space for four shortened rows, North and South, of 13. 11. 9. and 7. trees—say forty, and two short rows fronting the road, with 4. and 1.—whole number 195 trees— I proposed to Alpheus Spear to pick out for me at Mr Capen’s, twenty-five trees, for the alternate places on the outer rows of the Square, thinking that if he picked them himself he would have a personal impulse to tend them more carefully, but he declined choosing the trees, and said his brother Lemuel understood more about trees than he did.— I told them I should put pumice in the places of the alternate stands, to raise the Stocks from the Seed— Lemuel thought it would be less trouble to plant the pumice in a row, and transplant the trees after they should come up; but I want to have the trees stand for life, where they shall come up—and I propose to set out a part of these trees at this Season, and the rest in the Spring; to observe which of them will thrive best— My brother was here before dinner. The Newspaper of this Evening, brought the last returns of the Congressional Election for the District of Plymouth. Twenty-two Towns gave 2565 votes, of which 1817 were for John Quincy Adams, 373 for Arad Thompson (Jacksonite) 279 for William Baylies (federal,) and 96 scattering votes— The authentic returns will perhaps make some slight difference in the number of votes, but can make none in the result— I am a member elect of the twenty-second Congress.