3 March 1825
adams-john10 Neal MillikanHealth and Illness

3. VI. This day closed the Second Session of the Eighteenth Congress, and the Administration of James Monroe, as President of the United States— I had passed a sleepless Night; occasioned by the unceasing excitement of many past days; the pressure of business in the Department of State, always heavy at the close of a Session of Congress, now redoubled at the close of my own Service of eight years in the Office of Secretary; the bustle of preparation for the new Condition upon which I was to enter— The multitudes of visitors, upon great varieties of business, or for curiosity— The anxieties of an approximating crisis; and above all the failing and threatening state of my wife’s health. The stream of visitors continued this morning— S. Lathrop M.H.R. from Massachusetts came with a Mr Alfred Smith of Connecticut, applying for Surveys of a part of Connecticut river— Mr Wainwright of Boston; returning from a Western Tour. Messrs. Foote and Lawrence members of the House of Representatives from New-York103New-York, to take leave, Mr Southard the Secretary of the Navy, Coll. Jones again, concerning his appointment as adjutant-general of the army— Mr West, Mr Phillips, A. Thompson, M.H.R. from Pennsylvania, with a Mr Bond, Mr Symms, Mr Cruft of Boston, A. H. Everett, D. Brent, Mr Carroll; General Dearborn, Mr Palmer, and Force who came for a copy of my Address— At eleven this morning I went to the Capitol, where I found the President, signing Bills— We remained there till near four in the afternoon— Mr Calhoun, Mr Southard, Daniel Brent, George Hay, S. L. Gouverneur and Dr. Everett were also there— A Committee of both Houses came and announced to the President that unless he had any further communication to make to them they were ready to adjourn— He answered that he had nothing further to communicate, and the two houses adjourned about four O’clock— Thus ended the 18th. Congress of the United States— But the Senate had an Evening Session upon Executive business— From the Capitol I went to the Office of the Department of State, and closed the performance of my duties as Secretary of State— General Daniel Parker came and endeavoured to convince me that instead of nominating Coll. Jones as Adjutant-General of the army, I should order him to perform the duties, as if he were entitled to the office without a new appointment. I was not convinced— E. Wyer was at the Office; and left it with me— I took leave of D. Brent, that Chief Clerk, and of Mr Ironside and Josias W. King, two of the Clerk’s— Mr Cruft and Mr Cook of Boston dined with us— Mr Clay was here in the Evening. Mrs. Adams very unwell all day, was seized with a violent fever this Evening: and was bled— Near Midnight I received from the Office of the National Intelligencer, a proof copy of my Address—which I corrected and returned.