16 October 1818
adams-john10 Neal Millikan

41516. VI. Young Essex was here this morning, I believe two hours; and to no earthly purpose but that of consuming my time. I have not the address to dismiss such persons with courtesy, nor the temper to turn them off with rudeness. Mr Scott the delegate from the Missouri territory likewise came in. He remained here several weeks after the close of the last Session of Congress; and is already upon the ground in preparation for the next— I had a visit also from General Swift. At the President’s I met Mr Crawford the Secretary of the Treasury. Something further was said with regard to the temporary filling of the Navy Department— Mr Crawford observed that there were precedents for both the modes of filling it, by the Head of another Department, or by the Chief Clerk; and he appeared to think unfavourably of Homans; at least he thought after Blagrove’s exposure of him last winter, he ought to have deposited the whole balance of Public monies in his hands, immediately in the Bank— I was again but a short time at the Office— Mr and Mrs Frye, with Johnson and Thomas Hellen and Robert Buchanan, and Mr and Mrs W. S. Smith, spent the Evening with us, and we had a party of Loto with the Children.