12 October 1818
adams-john10 Neal MillikanFamily Finances (Adams Family)Bank of the United States

12. VII:15. I had several small affairs of private business to transact, at the Bank of the United States: at the Office of the permanent Schuylkill Bridge Company, kept by Israel Whalen, in North fourth Street, and with a Mr Allibone, for whom I called at Milner and Richards’s, corner of Nine and third Streets. I also called upon M’Euen, Hale and Davidson, intending to put all the Schuylkill Bridge Shares into their hands to be disposed of; but finding them, at more than ten per Cent under par, although they still yield an income of six per Cent, I determined to keep them somewhat longer.— Visited at S. Ewing’s and J. Sergeant’s. Met in the Street W. Meredith, and Commodore’s Decatur and Perry, who was yesterday from Washington, and told me the President was expected there this day— Received visits from R. Walsh, J. Vaughan who brought me the third volume of Dr Franklin’s Memoirs, which he had taken from the Custom-house, and which had been sent me by Mr Temple Franklin, the Editor— J. Connell, J. Sergeant and his brother, whom I saw, Mr Daschkoff the Russian and Mr Greuhm the Prussian Minister had called while I was out— Also Mr C. J. Ingersoll, G. M. Dallas, R. Bache, Mrs Dallas and Mrs Bache &c. We dined and spent the Evening at Mr W. Jones’s; the President of the Bank of the United States. Ingersoll, Dallas and Connell were there, and some other company with whom I was unacquainted— I was not satisfied with myself this day, having talked too much at dinner— I never take a large share in conversation, without saying things which I afterwards wish were unsaid— Yet in the estimation of others, I pass off, on the whole better when I talk freely, than when silent and reserved— This sometimes stimulates me to talk more than is wise or proper, and to give to the conversation of mixed companies, a tone of discussion which becomes irksome and tedious. Nor can I always, (I did not this day) altogether avoid a dogmatical and peremptory tone and manner, always disgusting, and especially offensive in persons, to whose age or situation others consider some deference due.