27 July 1816
adams-john10 Neal Millikan African Americans Court Life and Society, European

27. VII. Received a Letter from A. J. Dallas Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, being in answer to mine of the 4th. and 23d: of August, and of 1st. and 15th. of December last to him. It is dated the 13th. of June, and encloses a copy of a Letter from him to James Simpson, Consul at Tangier disapproving of his drafts upon the Treasury Department— I left home shortly after breakfast, walked to Hammersmith; there, near the third Mile-stone, went into a Stage, and rode to 42St Paul’s Church-yard where it stopp’d—thence I walked to Cattley and Stephenson’s, Brabant Court, Philpot-Lane, Fenchurch Street, and presented for acceptance the Bill of Exchange, remitted by L. Harris from St Petersburg, drawn by Cattley and Forrester, in favour of Meyer & Brüxner; and endorsed by them; for 1600 Rubles, at ten pence per Ruble— It was accepted for £66:13:4 payable at Barnard Dimsdale and Co. the 28th. of September— From thence I went to Mr. S. Williams’s, Finsbury Square. Left with him a check for £500 to be passed to my credit; and the first and second of the Bill of Exchange for 100 dollars drawn, by John Cook, upon Thomas Storey of New-York, on the 17th. of June, in my favour; and which I now endorsed— It was for money which I lent Mr Cook— I then walked to the Office in Craven Street, where I found J. A. Smith, deeply affected by the information of his father’s Death— Received a Packet of Newspapers from the Department of State—the National Intelligencer, from 1. to 13. June— A card from Mr Disbrowe, (the Queen’s Vice-Chamberlain) inviting by her Majesty’s Command the American Minister and Mrs Adams to the Queen’s House on Monday 12. August at 9. O’Clock, and requesting an Answer.— A Circular printed Note from the Duke of Rutland, Chairman of the Committee of the Association for the Relief of the Manufacturing and labouring Poor, enclosing the Resolutions of a Meeting of the Association, in the hope of obtaining my Attendance and Support, at a General Meeting, to be held at the City of London Tavern, on Monday the 29th. instant, at One O’Clock, when His Royal Highness the Duke of York will take the Chair.— The Resolutions for convening the General Meeting were passed at the Meeting of the Committee on the 15th. instant. And one of them was that the Duke of York should be requested to take the Chair— Between five and six O’Clock Mrs Adams came with the Carriage— We dined with Mr Prince Sanders, at his lodgings in Everett-Street— The company at dinner, were the Countess Dowager of Cork, Lady Mexborough, Mrs Crewe, General Doyle, Mr Penn, and the young Mr Cowell who dined with us last week— In the Evening there was a large party, among whom were Sir William Abdy, his two Sisters, and his Mother, Mrs Cowell and her daughter, Mr and Mrs. Somerville, Mr Leslie, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh, and several others— Miss Cowell played on the Piano, and sung, several of Moore’s Melodies— Sanders told me he had not been able to go to Mr Clarkson’s at Purfleet— He was obliged to stay in town to correct the Press, for the publication of the Haytian Documents— On our return from the dinner table to the drawing Room we found a Portrait of Mr Sanders, in a splendid fancy dress, or the Court dress of the kingdom of Hayti, hung up over the Sopha. It had been brought home from the Painters while we were at dinner.— Mrs Cowell invited us to dine at her house next Monday week— Mr Sanders is to embark for Hayti the tenth of next Month; but is to return here again next Winter— We came away between eleven and twelve, and got home at one in the Morning.