22 July 1815
adams-john10 Neal Millikan African Americans

22. VI: Mr Beasley called on me this Morning at my request, and I spoke to him concerning the two Americans, sent from India as Prisoners of War, and who applied to me yesterday for assistance.— He told me again that if I listened to all these people, I should never 298have any repose, and should be subject to perpetual impositions. I said it was necessary to distinguish between impostors and persons in distress, really entitled to relief— I was convinced that the accounts which these two men gave of themselves were correct. I had referred them to him for such assistance as he could give them according to Law; and had told Carroll that if Mr Williams should decline furnishing him the small sum that he wanted upon his Bill, to come to me and I would— He took their names and promised to see what he could do for them— A black man named Thomas Nelson, a Sailor came in the course of the day, with another tale of distress, and of being turned away from the door of the Consulate— He had been here before; and now came to ask a Passport to go to Liverpool— I gave him a note to Mr: Beasley. Mr Joseph Sansom, a Quaker of Philadelphia, and Mr Delprat came for Passports to go to France— I gave Delprat the first from the Plate— I made up and sent to Mr Beasley a packet for the Secretary of State; to be sent by the Mail-Coach to Mr Maury at Liverpool— Mr Sanders came back with our three boys, very much gratified with their visit to Mr John Clarkson at Purfleet— Mr Sanders dined with us— I walked alone this Evening in Hyde-Park— George was unwell.