19 March 1805
adams-john10 Neal Millikan

19. At 6 O’Clock this morning, with my wife, her Sister Eliza, and my two children, I took leave of Mr: Hellen, and his family, and left the City of Washington in the Stage for Baltimore— Mr: Burr had taken passage in the same carriage, but on our stopping at his lodgings he thought we were too much crowded; sent on his servant & baggage with us, and took a seat himself in a private carriage with Commodore Preble— We went to Ross’s to Breakfast; to Spurrier’s to dinner, and arrived at Baltimore at 6 in the Evening.— Took lodgings at Evans’s, where we found Judge Cushing and his Lady— I went immediately to the wharf, and bespoke a passage in the French-town Packet, the Samuel Adams, to sail at 9 O’Clock to-morrow Morning— Mr: Calhoun called upon me this Evening— We have had a very fatiguing day, from the uncommon warmth of the weather, quite at the temperature of Midsummer— My youngest child bore the journey well; but George droops much; and is apparently quite unwell.